Architectural Films

Clear Safety - Internal
Opalux® safety and security window films are designed to make glass safer, both by strengthening it against breakage and helping hold dangerous shards of shattered glass in situations where breakage does occur.

Clear Safety - External
External Safety films are mainly used where both interior and exterior films have been specified for application to both sides of the glazing units for extra strength and protection. This could be for any number of reasons to provide a double protection safety or security application. A regular use of these exterior films is to hold glass together where there is a history of spontaneous shattering of glazing units in overhead or vertical situations creating a severe and unpredictable risk to the public.

Combined Safety
Opalux multi-laminate combined solar/safety/security films are used by Government and commercial organisations where high-performance safety, particularly with reference to risk of bomb-blast, is required along with the features of a solar control film.

The Anti-Fog window film products are designed for where condensation appears on window glazing, this is often due to higher humidity. These products are manufactured with a special anti-condensation layer designed to spread the water across the surface of the glass to help maintain better vision through.

Shade Material
Shade Material is an excellent alternative to window film, where you may want privacy and sometimes you may not. They allow the natural light to come into the room while still controlling the unwanted heat and glare unlike fabric shades.