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Are window films the best way to reduce heat from windows?

As we head towards the spring and summer with the days brightening and the temperatures climbing, it is a reasonable question to ask for many business owners and commercial building managers: what can be done to combat escalating heat levels? 

The windows at your non-domestic premises might not be very effective at keeping the heat out during the warmer months. That can mean soaring indoor temperatures, which can cause distracting discomfort for workers, and even health risks – all factors that won’t exactly help the productivity of such personnel. 

There are various potential methods that you might have considered for addressing this issue: 

  • Window coverings, such as curtains and blinds, can be effective at blocking out the sunlight and improving insulation. However, they might not be desirable aesthetically for your commercial building. Plus, workers on the premises may need to constantly open and close them over the course of a typical day. 
  • Forms of external shading also exist, such as awnings and overhangs. They can be a great solution for reducing heat gain, not least as they help prevent sunlight from reaching the glass in the first place. But on the negative side, awnings aren’t known for their suitability for all weathers. So, if a storm or a similarly adverse event strikes at your premises, someone among your staff will need to act quickly to retract the awning. 

A lot of people associate the installation of double glazing with the effect it can have in preventing heat from escaping a building during the winter. It can, though, also be very good at reducing heat coming through the windows from the outside in the warmer months. Double glazing can, though, be a massive financial commitment for a commercial building – one that might not be practical for you right now. 

The leading solar control window films offer convenience, longevity, and performance 

You only need to browse our currently available solar control films at Stockfilms, to see the variety of options we present for window films that reduce heat from windows

Delivering particularly impressive performance are our internally applied reflective films. The exact product that you purchase for your commercial building is likely to depend on certain other priorities you have, such as visibility through the glass, glare reduction, and/or privacy. 

You may, for instance, be drawn to our Silver 20 product, which is no less than the most commonly used window film in the UK. It offers excellent solar heat and glare rejection, as shown by the statistics; a total of 78% solar energy rejection is achieved, while glare is reduced by 82%. This film allows 16% of visible light to be transmitted through the glass. 

However, there are also other attractive and relevant offerings in our range, such as the Silver 35 and Silver 50 films. The latter might be particularly relevant if you are seeking to combat severe solar heat gain at your premises, at the same time as preserving optically clear outward vision during the day. This film delivers 54% total solar energy rejection, and allows the transmission of 47% of visible light through the window. 

Enquire to Stockfilms’ experts for advice and guidance 

To discuss in greater detail with us your full range of needs, and to be pointed towards the product that could be most suitable when you need to reduce heat from windows, please contact the Stockfilms team today. You can call us on 020 8441 0449. 

In summary, then, are window films the best way to reduce heat from windows? The short answer is that, as a relatively cost-effective and convenient solution that can be installed and then largely forgotten about, they certainly could be the best in certain circumstances. However, much will depend on the specifics of the situation at your own commercial site. 


Do we offer subtle-looking, low-mirror window film that can be installed from the outside?

Anyone who has spent enough time browsing the selection of solar control window film options on the Stockfilms website will know the answer to the above question is, of course, yes. 

Of much greater importance, however, will be the specifics of what our external low-mirror window films will enable you to achieve for a given building. 

Sometimes, a more neutral look is preferrable for window film 

If you are on the lookout for a window film that delivers good solar heat and glare control, but which offers a more neutral outward appearance than the mirrored aesthetic often associated with solar control films, our Opalux-branded external low-mirror films are well worth your consideration. 

After all, the building on which you are looking to install window film may be a relatively architecturally sensitive one, such as a heritage structure or a listed building, where the more dramatic and noticeable reflective look of certain other window films is not appropriate. 

A low-mirror aesthetic, though, doesn’t have to mean low performance 

There are, of course, also the more “functional” reasons why the application of solar control window film is desirable. In this regard, our external low-mirror films are highly impressive: 

  • The Sputtered Bronze 35 film transmits 35% of visible light, but rejects 64% of total solar energy, and drives down glare by 62% 
  • The Sputtered Grey 20 film records 22% visible light transmission, rejects 68% of total solar energy, and achieves a whopping 75% glare reduction 
  • The Sputtered Grey 35 film allows the transmission of 38% of visible light, delivers 52% total solar energy rejection, and lessens glare by 57%. 

As you can see, the exact specifications of these window film options vary slightly, but the broad principles of how these low-mirror solar control films work is consistent. They cater to the need to reduce the discomfort that excessive heat and glare cause, while also screening harsh ultraviolet (UV) rays, which helps slow down the fading of interior furnishings. 

Moreover, these window films allow a good amount of vision through the glass, at the same time as providing a low-impact, muted appearance. 

What is the significance of these window films being externally applied? 

As the term indicates, an external window film is designed to be installed on the outside surface of glass – in other words, the surface that faces the outdoor elements. An internal window film, meanwhile, is only meant to be applied on the inside surface of glass. 

It is crucial to be clear about this distinction when you purchase window films. If, for instance, you know you will be installing your chosen film on the outside surface of a building’s windows (perhaps because the interior surface is not very accessible), making sure you invest in an external film will be crucial for ensuring it can withstand the external weather and UV rays. 

While, then, it is not recommended to apply an internal window film on the outside of a building given that it has not been designed for such a purpose, it is fine to apply an external film on the inside. You will therefore need to give careful thought to whatever choice you eventually make. 

For advice and guidance that will make your decision-making easier, why not get in touch with our technical support team now? You are welcome to call our friendly staff at Stockfilms on 020 8441 0449 to discuss your concerns and needs, and to ask for a free A4 sample of any window film that catches your eye. 


The industry-leading coloured window films deliver much more than aesthetic benefits

In our recent blog posts here on the Stockfilms website, we have put much focus on window films that can be counted on for solar control, including the rejection of solar heat and glare. 

Those practical benefits are of great importance right through the year, and not only during the warmer and sunnier months. However, traditional solar control window films are known for their outwardly mirrored appearance, which may not be the desirable result in all settings. 

This might lead you towards the internally applied coloured window films that we make available from the widely trusted Opalux brand. But what are the essential things you ought to know about these glare and heat reduction films? 

When it comes to Opalux coloured window films, you have a number of options 

As we referenced above, the window films in this particular range are designed to be applied to the inside surface of glass. 

You are likely to choose these films if you are seeking to give certain windows of a building a high level of decorative appeal, while still addressing practical priorities such as solar heat and glare rejection. 

We are pleased to make available the following coloured window films: 

  • Blue/Silver 15, which – as its name indicates – has a deep blue reflective appearance when viewed from the outside. When looked at from inside a building, this film has a much less noticeable light tint. This 35-micron film transmits just 13% of visible light, drives down glare by 85%, and rejects 71% of total solar energy. 
  • Gold/Silver 15, which is much-admired on account of the subtle gold reflection it provides to the glass when viewed externally. This is a less prominent look than a silver film would provide. Again, it is a high-performing window film, delivering an 82% reduction in glare and rejecting 79% of total solar energy, at the same time as transmitting 16% of visible light. 

We can cater to a vast range of concerns when you are seeking window films 

There are various circumstances in which our Opalux-branded coloured window films are likely to be the best solution for your intended setting. 

You might be particularly interested in achieving a more understated look than traditional outwardly reflective mirrored window films can offer. Alternatively, you may be most anxious to ensure such qualities as strong glare reduction, scratch resistance, and/or daytime privacy for the occupants of the building. 

Whatever the exact situation may be, our team at Stockfilms can direct you towards the right product. Please feel free to call 020 8441 0449 for an in-depth conversation with our technically knowledgeable and helpful staff; you can also request a free A4 sample of any window film that interests you. 


Opalux’s externally applied reflective films work impressively well as winter glare and heat control films

If you are in the market for a dedicated film to apply to your building’s windows – perhaps because of concerns about winter glare, but also potentially heat gain – you might have presumed you would need to buy a film that is applied to the inside surface of your property’s glass, rather than to the outside. 

After all, if glare reduction and heat control films are to be installed on the external surface of a building’s windows, there is an obvious thing they need to do: stand up to the outdoor elements. 

In some circumstances, it might not be possible or easy to install a window film from the inside of the given property. This may be due to the internal surface of the windows not being very accessible, or because of the type of glass (as in the case of certain double or triple glazing, or laminated, Georgian-wired, heavy tinted windows). 

Introducing Opalux-branded external reflective window films 

If you already have some glare reduction or heat control films that are designed for internal application, and you’re considering installing them to the external surfaces of your building, we’re afraid this isn’t recommended. Such internal film hasn’t been designed and made to stand up to punishing outdoor weather conditions and ultraviolet (UV) rays. 

This brings us onto the external reflective window films that we make available from the renowned Opalux brand. These films are produced with outdoor weather specifically in mind, so you can count on them providing years of longevity once installed. 

No less importantly, however, the window films in this range have excellent credentials when it comes to driving down glare and rejecting heat gain, whatever the time of year. 

At the time of us writing this, there are three films in this particular range, including: 

Of the three films, this dual reflective film is the most effective at reducing glare, bringing it down by a whopping 91%. This 60-micron film rejects 85% of total solar energy, which helps make it an excellent choice for repelling severe solar heat gains. 

If the achievement of one-way privacy is a big priority for you, External Grey/Silver 10 will produce this effect to a greater extent than conventional reflective films. Its effectiveness at hindering vision into a property helps bolster security, too. 

If you’re attracted to the notion of investing in an externally applied window film that reduces glare by 82% and rejects 78% total solar energy, while providing a uniform outside appearance and daytime one-way privacy, this could be an excellent choice of product. Such characteristics enable this film to alleviate the discomfort that high levels of heat and glare cause. 

This film comes with a seven-year warranty if it is applied to vertical glass, and a warranty of up to four years if installed on a sloping surface. Please note that this warranty will only be valid if installed by an approved installer; please consult the full warranty terms and conditions for further information. 

When you are comparing externally applicable glare reduction and heat control films, you might be particularly anxious to make sure that – in addition to providing good solar heat and glare rejection – your chosen film provides good vision in both directions through the glass. 

If this sounds like your priority list for an external window film, Opalux’s 70-micron Reflective Silver 35 product could be the perfect choice. This film transmits 30% of visible light, and reduces glare by a still very significant 66%. 

For further advice and guidance in relation to any of the window films we make available here at Stockfilms, so that you can be sure of purchasing only the most ideally suited product, please call our customer support team on 020 8441 0449. 


Is there such thing as a clear glare reduction window film?

For many of us lately, it has been difficult to avoid noticing the distracting effects of winter glare. The sun’s relatively low position in the sky during the day, as well as the highly reflective surfaces created by snow, ice, and water on the roads, has forced more of us to think about how we can combat glare in our buildings, including across commercial premises. 

Those glare problems can sometimes be even greater in high-rise buildings of the “glass box” designs that are so commonplace in the 2020s. But of course, such designs are popular due to such factors as the high level of natural light they allow to flood into their interior spaces, as well as their elegant and sleek aesthetics. 

If, then, you are responsible for a “wall of glass” premises and you are seeking ways to combat glare to help make life easier for occupants, you might be anxious to find a solution that does not overly compromise those pleasing visuals. 

This may lead you to seek out a glare reduction window film that is completely clear, whether it is viewed from the inside or the outside of your premises. But does such a product even exist? 

You can combine clarity with major glare reduction… when viewing from the inside, outwards

We have bad news to share; there is no entirely clear window film that also massively reduces glare. By this, we are referring to window film that delivers a high level of glare reduction while also looking completely transparent from both the inside and the outside of the building where it is fitted. 

This is because, in order to prevent a high proportion of the passage of light/glare through glass, a degree of tint is needed. 

However, you can have good vision and clarity when looking outward through a window film from the inside, at the same time as enjoying a good level of glare reduction. In this sense, the effect is much like putting on a pair of sunglasses; it is the vision from outside a building, looking into the internal space, that is impacted when a tinted glare reduction film is applied to glass.  

A good “rule of thumb” is: the darker the tint on the window film you purchase, the more effective you can expect it to be at minimising glare. 

Of course, it is likely that in a “real-world” setting such as an office space, you will have competing priorities, such as a wish to ensure a certain level of visibility through the glass. So, you will need to think carefully about the specifications that might be the right choice for your commercial building when you look to order a glare reduction window film. 

We present a range of attractive options for glare reduction window film 

If the reduction of glare is such an urgent need at your premises that you are prepared to accept a considerable loss of clarity when viewed from the outside (or simply don’t need certain windows in your buildings to be easy to see through from the outside), you will have the freedom to choose an especially dark tint.

That could mean selecting such a film as our Opalux-branded Silver 20 product. This internally applied window film delivers a formidable 82% reduction in glare, although it does only transmit 16% of visible light. It has a silver reflective appearance from the outside during the day, which also helps ensure excellent daytime privacy for workers in the building where the film is installed. 

Ask us today for advice and recommendations in relation to window films 

We could continue to put the spotlight on various window films in our range that provide degrees of glare reduction – but we think you probably understand the principle by now. 

For a more detailed and tailored discussion of your needs from glare reduction window film, and a recommendation of the product that may best suit your premises, please feel free to call our technical support team, on 020 8441 0449. You may also find answers to your queries on our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.

Does glare cause the inside of a building to heat up? If so, what can be done about it?

Great numbers of us are all too familiar with the distracting effects of glare, especially when we are at work, or attempting to focus on another important task. Your most frequent experience of glare might be light reflecting off your computer screen or another nearby shiny surface, which isn’t exactly beneficial for comfort or productivity. 

Plus, while glare is associated with sunlight, it isn’t “only” a summer problem. The sun being lower in the sky during the colder and darker months can mean that, with its rays hitting the Earth at a lower angle, glare becomes a major issue in a building.

Glare doesn’t merely cause unwelcome distraction – it can also drive up temperatures 

To answer the question at the top of this article directly: yes, glare can indeed lead to internal spaces of a building becoming warmer. The sun’s rays, after all, carry heat energy, which is absorbed by materials that are exposed to direct sunlight. 

Many commercial buildings today are highly glazed. There is, then, often plenty of scope for the sun’s rays to penetrate through glass and reflect off objects in a given building’s internal area. 

In the process, the rays change length and aren’t able to escape the building back through the windows. As a result, the heat energy is trapped in the space, and the interior temperature goes up.

Heat reduction and glare minimisation are closely linked priorities 

So, you can probably begin to understand why, when many owners and managers of commercial property seek out anti-glare window film to help tackle this problem, they are also effectively looking for film to reduce heat from windows

Window films that reject a high proportion of solar energy can help to lower heat and glare within a particular building. This, in turn, can help create a more comfortable space in which workers can be efficient and productive, day after day. 

What window films are best for reducing both heat and glare? 

If you are presently searching for window film that is effective in lowering glare, the basic formula is to seek out as dark a film as possible (or at least, as dark as you can allow it to be, without overly compromising the level of clarity you desire for your building’s windows). 

There isn’t any window film on the market that is completely clear and genuinely effective at reducing glare, as a tint is necessary for preventing that troublesome light getting through the glass and causing glare. So, you may need to carefully consider your options, taking into account your full range of needs from window film. 

One especially popular option that we present here at Stockfilms, for instance, is the Opalux Silver 20 product, which is especially good at combatting both heat and glare. This film has a silver reflective appearance when viewed from the outside during the day, but shows a much less noticeable lighter tint internally. It reduces glare by 82%, and rejects 78% of total solar energy. 

There are various other options in our range if you wish to both lower glare and reduce heat from windows at your commercial premises. Still, if achieving the best possible glare control is a priority for you, choosing a 20% or darker film is likely to be the most suitable course of action. 

For a discussion of your requirements with our customer service team, and to receive guidance on the window films that may best suit your intended setting, please call us now on 020 8441 0449. It could also be a good idea to check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page, in case you have a query we have already answered. 


Our anti-glare window films can help reduce the dazzle and brightness of the winter sun

The winter may be the coldest and darkest season, but that doesn’t prevent glare through the windows of workplaces being a problem during this time of year. Indeed, the low-lying nature of the winter sun might make glare more of an issue for staff at a given premises than it is at the height of summer. 

Glare happens when the brightness or angle of the sun interferes with vision or makes it uncomfortable to see. During the darker and chillier months, workers at tall office buildings or similar sites can risk being dazzled by direct sunlight. This can make it difficult for affected personnel to concentrate on screens, paperwork, machinery, and/or co-workers.

Furthermore, even in the winter, direct sunlight onto glazing can rapidly bring about the overheating of a given building’s interior. This is due to short wave radiation from the sun – in other words, what most of us know as “light” – being absorbed by the glass and re-radiated in the form of long wave radiation (what most of us would call “heat”).  

There are better solutions than curtains or blinds for combatting winter glare! 

The instinctive response that many workers have in an office building when glare becomes a problem, is drawing the curtains or blinds to block out the light. This is a perfectly understandable response, but you might also consider it less than ideal. After all, you will probably want your staffers to keep on benefitting from the view and the natural daylight. 

This is where dedicated anti-glare window films show their worth. They save you from having to block out the view or natural light in your workplace, and they are designed to be retrofitted to glass. 

Depending on the specific window film you select, it can bring a range of both aesthetic and practical benefits to your commercial building or work premises. Those benefits may include one-way daytime privacy, as well as the filtering of up to 99% ultraviolet (UV) light – the latter a potentially vital feature for protecting interior fabrics from fading prematurely. 

While many anti-glare window films are designed to be internally applied, some variants have been created with external application in mind. This is a crucial distinction to make, given that the way in which internal window film is processed means it cannot be expected to stand up to outdoor weather and UV light if it is installed on the outside surface of glass. 

Ask us about the anti-glare window films that might best suit your intended application 

We are pleased here at Stockfilms to serve as stockists and distributors of a broad variety of architectural window films that can greatly help reduce glare, in addition to bringing numerous other advantages to a business site. 

You may, for instance, be especially drawn to the Opalux brand’s Silver 20 product, which is the original and most commonly used solar control film in the UK and across the globe. This 35-micron film drives down glare by 82%, while transmitting 16% of visible light. It can be quickly installed, and massively helps alleviate the discomfort that excessive glare and heat cause. 

However, similarly excellent results are also delivered by such offerings in our range as the Opalux Dual Reflective Silver 05 film – which brings about 92% glare reduction – and externally applied films like the Opalux Reflective External Grey/Silver 10 product. The latter is capable of lowering glare by 91%, and it can be a superb option for hindering vision into a property, thereby maximising worker privacy. 

For a conversation with our technical support team here at Stockfilms about the specific anti-glare window films that might best suit your needs, please call 020 8441 0449 today.

Glare can be a major problem in today’s ‘walls of glass’ offices

When we use the term “walls of glass”, you probably immediately know what we mean; the extensive use of glass in 21st-century office developments can produce a pleasingly sleek aesthetic, from the outside as well as inside. It can also have some practical benefit, in terms of the amount of natural daylight it allows to flood into the building. 

However, the wholesale use of glass around an office premises can also present a high risk of the hated “glare”. This visual sensation arises due to excessive brightness and light in an individual’s visual field, that their eyes aren’t able to manage correctly. 

If, then, glare occurs in a largely glass-fronted office space, a lot of workers – as well as any other visitors or users of the given building – may be affected by it. 

What are the adverse impacts of glare in an office setting? 

The problems with glare in an office become apparent as soon as someone experiences it. Many of us have felt uncomfortable and distracted due to glare preventing us from viewing a laptop screen properly. It can anger workers when they are unable to get on with work they need to get done, and there can be a real negative impact on productivity. 

With glare hampering visibility, it can also present a heightened risk of accidents and injuries occurring in an office environment. Furthermore, glare can cause eye strain and headaches, and perhaps even longer-term issues such as head, neck, and shoulder aches among workers. 

Not only all this, but glare from direct sunlight can drive up the temperature inside the office space, perhaps even causing it to overheat. This helps draw attention to the benefits that anti-glare window films can have for making offices pleasanter places to work, beyond tackling the most obvious and immediate effects that glare produces. 

Is a window film the best way to tackle glare – and if so, which one is best? 

Where glare has been a problem in office spaces, blinds have sometimes been installed to help address it. However, these might spoil the sophisticated visual appearance that makes “walls of glass” offices so aesthetically pleasing to so many people. Plus, workers might feel the need to be constantly adjusting the blinds during the day as light conditions change. 

That’s before we even mention how blinds can interfere with the natural daylight coming into the space. The chances are that you will want a good amount of sunlight to continue shining into your offices – you just won’t want it to compromise workers’ ability to do their jobs. 

The installation of dedicated anti-glare window films can be an excellent way to cater to such a combination of needs. Here at Stockfilms, we recommend that you select a 20% or darker film, if the reduction of glare is your overriding priority from a window film. 

The reality, though, is that you might have various competing needs when you are considering your options for window films. For example, you might wish your chosen film to deliver a certain level of privacy, or to be suitable for application to the outside surface of a window. 

This helps to explain why we stock such a broad assortment of anti-glare window films. So, why not browse these options on our website today? 

If you would appreciate further advice and guidance as you attempt to select the right window film for your requirements, please feel free to call our technical support team on 020 8441 0449.

Polycarbonate windows require the application of a specialised window film

If there is one surface that can present particular issues for those looking to apply window films for such purposes as rejecting solar heat, combatting glare, and reducing the need to use energy for cooling, it might well be polycarbonate. 

After all, there are many people who don’t necessarily realise that if they attempt to apply to polycarbonate a window film that has been designed for glass, the adhesive on the film will fail to adhere to the polycarbonate. As a consequence, the window film will bubble up in a manner of days, presenting an unsightly appearance as a result. 

So, if there is a setting that would benefit from the installation of the right window films, but the windows or rooflights are made from plastic instead of glass, what product should be used instead? 

Here at Stockfilms, we are pleased to make available two suitable solar control window films for polycarbonate surfaces: Reflective Silver 20 and SunCool, both courtesy of the Opalux brand.

What makes Opalux’s window films for polycarbonates so special and effective? 

In the case of both the Opalux solar control window films in our range that were designed and made specifically for polycarbonates, a special adhesive is incorporated.

However, both these window films offer various further sophisticated features and benefits:

  • External Reflective Silver 20 for Polycarbonate is designed to be applied to the outside surface of most rigid polycarbonate glazing substrates. This is an especially useful window film in settings that necessitate greater control over problems with heat and glare. It filters as much as 99% of ultraviolet (UV) light, while reducing glare by 81% and rejecting 78% total solar energy. The appearance from the outside is silver reflective, while from the inside, it is a much subtler, light tint. 
  • SunCool for Polycarbonate is designed to be applied to the inside surface of a variety of polycarbonate substrates. In common with the aforementioned externally applied film, it is a particularly useful product for combating issues with heat and glare. Along with the up to 99% UV rejection that it achieves – a vital feature for prolonging the lifespan of interior furnishings – this film drives down glare by 89% and rejects 78% total solar energy. It has a satin finish – thereby minimising the visual impact – and produces a translucent, tinted grey effect during the day. 

For buying advice and to place an order for these window films, simply contact us 

If you are unsure as to which of these window films for polycarbonate surfaces might be the best solution for your intended setting and circumstances, please enquire to our customer service team. We will be pleased to help ensure you select the most appropriate product, and can answer any technical questions you may have. 

You can call us for a quote – or to request a free A4 sample of the window film that interests you before you commit to a purchase – by calling 020 8441 0449 today.

Don’t just think about temperatures when you’re comparing heat control films!

With this time of year typically seeing sunnier skies and lengthier daylight hours, it’s understandable that you may look to the residential or commercial buildings for which you have responsibility, and wonder whether heat control films are the answer for lowering the temperatures inside.

The short answer is, yes they are! Dedicated heat control films like those supplied by Stockfilms are a much more convenient solution for repelling excessive heat gain than curtains or blinds, which are likely to require manual adjustment over the course of a day.

However, there isn’t just one type of heat control film available. This is a good thing, as it enables you to order the window film that fulfils all of your needs, at the right price. But it does also mean you’ll have to carefully consider factors other than temperature control.

Here are some of those factors we would ask you to think about.

Where will I be installing the window film?

We make available heat control films for both residential and commercial settings, but our products can also be even more specialised than that.

Our solar reflective films, for instance, have a highly mirrored external appearance that works well when a uniform look is desired for a building’s windows. But for more architecturally sensitive and listed buildings, the comparatively muted aesthetic of our low-mirror films may be much more desirable.

Among our window films that work really well for reducing severe solar heat gains in domestic settings, meanwhile, are our solar reflective films for polycarbonate windows. These products are ideal for application to plastic conservatory windows or rooflights.

Do I need glare control capability, too?

It is often presumed that if a window film is good at lessening heat, it will also be an effective glare reduction solution. But while this is routinely true of solar reflective and low-mirror heat control films, there are other products for which it is not the case.

This underlines the importance of carefully comparing the specifications of different window films and discussing your requirements with the Stockfilms customer service department, before you commit yourself to a particular solution.

Are there other visual or practical factors to account for?

You might be surprised to learn about the various window films on the market that ostensibly have little or nothing to do with heat control, but which could nonetheless greatly help to reduce internal temperatures and make life more hospitable for the given building’s occupants.

One might have imagined that internally applied coloured window film, for example, would only be popular among those wishing to introduce a different aesthetic to the glass.

We offer coloured window films, however, that are impressive heat control films in their own right, while also rejecting glare, enhancing daytime privacy, filtering out potentially harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and even helping to reduce a building’s carbon footprint.

Although choosing the right window film for your own buildings’ circumstances and requirements doesn’t have to be arduous, you are nonetheless likely to appreciate the specialised help we can give you to select the most suitable product. Simply call the Stockfilms team now, on 020 8441 0449, to have your questions answered, request free samples and/or ask for a competitive quote.